The First and Foremost Lama Show Association

What's New for
ALSA Judges

Handbook Reminders
New Policies


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Judges Rules

Part S, Judge and Apprentice Program, Section 4.

Standing Rules for Judges, Apprentices and Performance Assistants, before A.
Judges Rules.

An ALSA judge is expected to set the example of professionalism, honesty, and integrity at all times. The expectation of professionalism does not end when a judge leaves the show ring. As a certified judge, one is always held to a higher standard of conduct. Words are never discounted, behavior never goes unnoticed. In public, whether an exhibitor, spectator, vendor, show official, or judge, it is expected that an individual certified as an ALSA judge will never make disparaging comments regarding exhibitors, animals being exhibited or their placings, other judges, show management, show rules, or ALSA. In addition ALSA certified Judges shall evaluate animals using only rules published in the current ALSA Handbook and shall not promote other show organizations. When accepting the honor of certification as an ALSA judge, one takes on the responsibility to conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting a judge, a title that implies dignity and importance.

Part T, Section 2- Multiple Judged Shows

A. This system employs two or more judges to judge simultaneously in order for two sets or more placings to be awarded. The show must pay two or more sanctioning, animal and nonmember fees and award two or more sets of ribbons and\or awards. ALSA encourages Judges and show superintendents to formulate a means to provide oral reasons at these multiple sanctioned shows. Different formats may include alternating judges to present oral reasons, therefore only one set of oral reasons will be presented on each class. However the final format to be used will be determined between the judges presiding and the show superintendent.

Part T, Section 2. Multiple Judged System

B. For all multiple judged shows one judge must have over 5 years experience. Assistant Performance Judges may be employed to work in the ring with a head judge.

Part S, Section 1-A

Llama; Judges are certified to judge llama halter, performance and youth shows.

Part S ,Section 1-G

Apprentice Llama or Alpaca Judges may apprentice under an approved Judge who has been Judge for a period of five years from their advanced clinic. Apprentices may not act as an Assistant Performance Judge during their first apprenticeship. An Apprentice Judge's opinion has no effect on the class placings unless they are working as an Assistant Performance Judge.

Part S, Section 2,A-10-11


Recertification - required every three years, may be accomplished by successfully completing an Advanced Judging Clinic followed by recommendation of the Judges' Committee and approval of the ALSA Board of
Directors. Judges may also receive a recommendation to renew their certification through Continuing Education Credits if they have acquired at least 100 total credits at ALSA sanctioned shows and have no upheld protests in their file .This must be done by submitting the required paperwork to the Judges' Committee and submitting to the entire recommendation procedure. Contact the Judges' Committee Chair for complete requirements.


Judges must successfully complete at least three llama show apprenticeships under at least three different ALSA approved Judges at ALSA sanctioned Shows with 75 or more llamas.

Part S, Section 2, B-4-6-8

B-4 Must successfully complete at least three llama shows apprenticeships under at least, three different approved Llama Halter Judges at ALSA sanctioned shows with 75 or more llamas.

B-6 Must successfully attend an Advanced Llama Halter clinic and obtain a minimum score of 85% in the Halter portion, 85% in the Performance portion, and over 85% composite score for the clinic and all requirements.

B-8 Approval of Regional, National and Apprentice accepting Llama Judges, including fully certified, Youth and Performance Judges, are defined as follows: All Judges must be a Certified ALSA Judge for 5 years and judge
three shows per year; with 5 shows in a 5 year period having 85 or more entries.

C-4 Any present Youth and/or Performance Judge certified under old ALSA rules wishing to upgrade their ALSA Judging license to include Youth Judging classes must successfully complete one apprenticeship with a Judge during Halter classes. Must successfully complete one apprenticeship with an approved Judge during Youth Judging classes. These two apprenticeships may be completed at the same show. Must attend an Advanced Llama Judging Clinic.

Part S, Section 2-B #10

10. Llama Judges that have meet the criteria established by the Judges' Committee to accept apprentices will be designated on the official judges list by an asterisk beside their name.

Part S, Section 2-G- #10

10. Approval of designated Alpaca Halter and Performance Judges is defined as follows: Junior

Level Alpaca Judge, up to 125 alpacas; Senior Alpaca Judge over 125 alpacas. Any Judge may be hired to assist the Head Judge in Performance at a show with more animals than their allotted number. They may not, however, act as the sole judge for any of these classes.

Part S, Section 4. A-4.5.7

A-4 Judges who do not pay their dues, both member and judge, by January I, will have their license suspended. If dues are not paid by February 1st , their license will be suspended for the calendar year. Rule Effective Jan 01, 2012.

A-5 Judges must audit a Judge's clinic at least once every ten years to be recertified by the Judges' Committee and Board of Directors. As long as they can recertify every three years with CEC reports. (Judges are encouraged to attend additional clinics to further their education and stay current on Handbook changes.)

A-7 Only ALSA approved Llama and Alpaca Judges may accept apprentices at an ALSA Show with 75 or more animals. Llama and Alpaca Judges, may accept two Apprentices per single show with the approval of the Judges Committee. Llama and Alpaca Apprentices can complete their third apprenticeship at a
double-judged show with 75 or more animals. The Judge is then responsible for the education and supervision of those Apprentices, following the written guidelines of the Judges' Committee. Written Apprentice evaluations
must be returned to the committee chair within five (5) days after the show.

Part S, Section 4 B-3

An Apprentice must complete apprenticeships under at least Three different approved Llama or Alpaca Judges, as approved by the Judges Committee. One alpaca apprenticeship must be done with more than 75 alpacas shown.

Part S, Section 5 A

The anniversary date for attending a recertification clinic for Judges who can't recertify by CEC points will be three years from the date of the last clinic they successfully completed or instructed. Apprentices must recertify three years from their beginning clinic. The clinic must be completed by the end of that calendar year.

Part S, Section 5 C-1,2,3

C-1 An instructor must be a member in good standing, a licensed Llama or Alpaca Judge and have prior instructor experience. To be placed on the recommendation list, an Instructor must first successfully complete at least two (2) approved ALSA Judging Clinics as an Assistant Instructor with a favorable evaluation from the Instructor. All instruction materials must be approved by the Judges Committee.

C-2 An Assistant Instructor must be a member in good standing, a licensed Llama or Alpaca Judge, and have prior instructor experience, or have completed at least one (1) apprenticeship at an approved ALSA Judging or
Show Clinic with favorable evaluation form the instructor.

C-3 Assistant instructors may be accepted at approved ALSA judging and/or show clinics. An Apprentice Instructor must be a member in good standing and a licensed Llama or Alpaca Judge.

Part S, Section 5 E

Each Judges' Clinic will be taught according to guidelines as approved and developed by the Judges' Committee. Participants at an Advanced Judging Clinic will be given a numerical score on the following clinic activities: 1. Terminology 2. Test 3. Conformation (Identification) 4. Conformation (Knowledge) 5.Performance classes judged 6. Showmanship classes judged 7. Halter classes judged 8.Fiber classes judged 9. Reasons (oral presentations)

Past rule changes

Part S. Section 4, B. 12. Only Judges re-certifying and successfully completing and Advanced Llama Judges Clinic (with Limited Alpaca) may judged combined llama and alpaca shows if alpacas do not exceed 25 in number.

Page 18, Part D. Section C. 1. Requirement for Alpaca Shows. 1. "Shows must have an approved ALSA Alpaca Judge, for shows with 25 or more Alpacas in a breed".



Selection Of Judges For Shows

A show superintendent may hire any appropriate Judge from the current Judge's list posted on the ALSA website. The Show Superintendent has the final decision as to a Judge that only judges ALSA shows or one that also judges for other show associations. A Level Judge may judge a show with up to 125 llamas. A Senior Judge has no restrictions on number of animals in the show.

For multiple judged shows, show management may hire both a Level Judge and a Senior Judge whenever possible for multiple shows under 125 animals. Assistant Performance Judges of an level may be employed to work in the ring with a head judge. (spring 2008; p. 140; section 2; B)

NEW 2009!

  ALSA will not propose any restriction on an ALSA judge as to the shows they judge.  (minutes 1-13-09)

Still Applies!  Judging 25 or less Alpacas

  Llama Judges may judge up to 25 alpacas in an Alpaca Show if the following requirements are met.  "Judges successfully completing an Advanced Llama Judges Clinic (with limited alpaca, may judge combined llama and alpaca shows if alpacas do not exceed 25 in number."  (p.136; part S; Section 4; B; 12)  AND "Requirements For An Alpaca Show: Shows must have an approved ALSA Alpaca Judge, for shows with 25 or more alpacas in a breed." (p. 18; Part D; Section C; 1) (minutes of 1-13-09)

Showing Teeth in Showmanship

A Judge may NOT request that a Showman show the teeth in Showmanship or Halter class. (Judges meeting 10-23-09)

Pooping in the Ring

A Judge may NOT penalize any animal for pooping in the ring.  This is something that can not be controlled no matter how many times the animal is taken to the poop pile. (Judges meeting 10-23-09)

Showmanship Guide

A Showmanship Guide is being prepared for Judges and Exhibitors.  Judie Moser is Chair of this project.  (Judges meeting 10-23-09)


New Handbook Rule - To Substitute Animal for Regionals or Grand National

Handbook will now read "the youth may petition the ALSA Board of Directors to use a substitute animal if the qualifying animal is unable to be shown."
minutes of October 25, 2007

New Changes for Performance Classes

Section M, Section 4, D: Change to:  “In Obstacle classes, the handler may choose NOT to negotiate an obstacle him/herself without penalty.”


2006 & 2007

Reminder of ALSA Rule

“It is recommended that exhibitors 8 years through 12 years of age NOT SHOW INTACT MALES over 24 months of age, with the choice of acceptance or decline lying with show management and stated in their premium show booklet.”

Petting Change for PR Classes

A simplification, correction of spelling, and omission of the word “standing” that would enable petter to sit in a wheelchair or on a hospital bed, for example. 

Re-emphasizing Step-Over for Pack Classes

A simplification of the wording to remove the word “jump”, to omit the editorial comment at the end, and to remove the implied acceptance of a higher stepover if the llama is under 36 months of age.
(minutes of November, 2006)

Alpaca Llama Show Association
Linda Tinsley, Secretary
PO Box 152499
Austin, TX  78715
Phone:  281-516-1442
Email ALSA


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