August 13, 2008

Message from the ALSA President

  This letter is being posted on the ALSA website in a continuing effort to promote open communication between your Board of Directors and the membership.  It was felt by the BOD that an explanation concerning the decisions made regarding this year’s Grand National Show and Regional Shows would be of interest to ALSA members. 

     Your Board of Directors, in an emergency meeting on July 16, put forth great effort and spent many hours in two separate marathon sessions to come up with a solution that would benefit the largest number of members. The finances of our association were also in the forefront of our discussions.  The BOD unanimously voted to continue with this year’s Grand National, in spite of the fact that the potential loss for ALSA in holding the G N this year could possibly be in the tens of thousands of dollars if we do not all pull together for the support of our association. 

     The current national economic climate with regard to gas prices, and contractual guarantees to the Event Center in Lincoln, contributed to our concern that there may not be large enough participation to offset this loss.  The BOD felt that canceling the Grand National Show or any of the Regional Shows this year would be detrimental to the future of the organization as a whole and was not an option.  Many members had already gone to great effort and expense to qualify animals under the valid assumption that there would be a National show, some with reservations already made for that weekend in Lincoln.  By the time the economic conditions were apparent, it was simply too late in the show year to cancel. The only way to keep our losses to a minimum this year was to try to fill as many stalls as possible at both Regional Shows and the Grand National.  Again, your BOD agonized over these decisions, the result of which you have seen in the posting of the new (for this year only) qualifying requirements posted on the website. 

     It is hoped that open entry to the Regional shows will enable many to participate that, because of economics or other obstacles, would have otherwise not have been able to attend and thereby stimulating attendance in years to come.  Likewise, hopefully a more relaxed requirement for Grand National will produce greater participation and a larger audience to experience the excitement and celebration of the annual ALSA Grand National Show of Champions. The Grand National Show is indeed a grand finale to a year of showing fantastic animals!  We can all work together to make this work!                                                

     In the end, this organization belongs to you, the members.  Without the exhibitors at the shows, large and small, there will be no ALSA.  Your BOD is asking your involvement and help in making this a strong, healthy organization.  We encourage all of you to participate as fully as you are able in your area shows, your Regionals, and the Grand National.  Attend the membership meeting at the Grand National Show.  If you have access to a computer, please utilize the Discussion Board on the ALSA website.  If we all pull together to work toward solutions to our most pressing problems, we can assure ALSA’s success. 


     on behalf of your Board of Directors,

     Mary Beth McCormick
     ALSA President


Alpaca Llama Show Association
Linda Tinsley, Secretary
PO Box 152499
Austin, TX  78715
Phone:  281-516-1442
Email ALSA

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